2022 Technical Regs have been updated

Technical inspections have been reintroduced for 2022 aligned to the changes that have come into force within the 2022 Technical Regulations.

Please read the regulations carefully. They can be found here

Race Numbers

These must be fitted to the bonnet and both sides of the machine in a clearly visible position. To help spectators to identify the different cars and understand the class structure the numbers and backgrounds must be as follows:

S10 – Yellow background, Black Numbers

S9 – Blue background, Black numbers

S6 – Green background, Black Backgrounds

Specific Class Specifications

S6 Mark one cars that were manufactured with a twin exhaust pipe will be permitted to compete providing they have a single pipe system fitted. If a twin pipe system can not be adequately fitted they will still be able to compete provided they have a 20Kg lead weight securely fixed to the car in a position agreed with the Superlite manufacturer.

S10 All S10 cars will have a sealed engine after being Dyno tested by an approved series technical workshop such as Daytuner Harrogate. The cost of the test will be borne by the competitor an add media to add color to your post. You can also change the cover image, optimize the SEO Settings, add categories or tags, and much more. Spend some time discovering each tab and learn how you can enhance your future posts.


No modifications are allowed without written authorisation

If you are unsure whether your car complies or if you are considering buying a used Superlite please call Mark Rushton on 07964 036065 and seek advice.